pretty pansies

Each year, just as early in Spring as I can get them, I fill my window boxes with pansies. They make me smile.

Today it is cold and rainy and very, very windy It will be a day of
catching up on work and life and chores.

And maybe a little thinking. I think it is time for some re-prioritizing. Lately,
I am all over the place and I can’t seem to get a firm grip on things.

Sometimes, that is the way life is.

It will pass, and things will settle down.

But in the meantime, there are pansies.


p.s. I loved all of your guesses about the mystery item in my last post. It is a gourd from last fall that had fallen on top of some leaves. Still completely intact, it weathered the winter quite nicely.


Also, all jewelry in the etsy shop is 20% OFF
now thru Mother’s Day!



Call if you need anything 🙂

Beautiful photo – makes me want to go get some, too. I feel the same scattered way you do!

Really lovely image! Great texture too.
Very rainy here today too. A great day to catch up on blog reading 🙂

Sounds as though our weather is mirror yours, so dark outside right now and it’s raining cats and dogs. Pansies can’t help but make you smile, beautiful pic.

Pansies are that ‘bright’ that lights up early spring. My mother always called them “faces” and they are. When I see their smiling faces they remind me of my mother.

I know how you are feeling…I’ve been like that myself lately…I put it down to coming out of a dry, dull winter and spring cleaning myself for the better weather.

did anyone guess it right?

Lovely photo and words to go with it!

This is absolutely magnificent!
Gorgeous composition and color!

these are superb…………



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