monday blog tour


I was recently invited by my friend, Kathryn Dyche Dechairo, to participate in a virtual blog tour that aims to highlight many wonderful blogs through some questions on the writing and creative process. Kathryn is a lovely, multi-talented artist/photographer/writer. You can view her blog tour post, and her fabulous work, over at her place, The Edge of Silence.


What am I working on?

Way too much, as usual! I suppose the big news is that I’m working on a novel. It’s been a long process, it’s difficult to find large chunks of time to devote to writing, and I’m finding it hard to maintain any flow when I only work on it in bits and pieces. But I’m learning a lot as I go along, and my goal is to finish this year.

I do write daily, whether it is on that project, poetry, or blog posts, and some days, all three. Writing has definitely become part of my routine, and I am grateful for that, it keeps me centered, I suppose in much the same way that meditation does for some people.

And then, of course, I am always working on design, photography, and jewelry as well. I make my living as a freelance graphic designer, and that keeps me pretty busy. But I am blessed in that every day, I am creating something. It’s not always the easiest of lifestyles, I am always racing the clock and always wishing there was more security, but I try to be grateful for what I have.

I’m also working on a book of poetry, I’m just stuck on trying to figure out how to publish it in the format I want. Hopefully I can make that happen this year as well.


How does my work differ from others in its genre?

This is one of those questions I think would be best answered by other people. I think it’s hard to see yourself objectively as an artist. I suppose the obvious answer is that my work differs from others because it is mine, we all have our own point of view to offer, and for me, that is one of the most important aspects of art. You get a glimpse into someone else’s mind and heart, and along with that, you very often get to see something mirrored within yourself. Deep down, we are all very much alike.

If I had to choose one thing, I suppose it would be that there is a strong thread of nature running through most of my work. I am happiest when I can be outside, beneath the sun and the sky and the moon, and much of my work reflects that.


Why do I write/create what I do?

This question makes me smile, because I want to say, “why not?”

I write because I can’t not write, and it really is as simple as that. I started writing poetry when I was quite young. It just happened, I didn’t set out in any conscious way to become a poet or a writer, I just found myself doing it, with no sense of what that would end up saying about my identity.

And I guess that’s still the case, I write about what I feel, what touches me, or hurts me, or brings me joy. I write what I see in life, the way we all live and struggle, fail and succeed, sob and laugh, and back again. I think when I write I am always trying to get to that place, the core of humanity that shows who we are as a collective, that place where we can all say, “Yes, I’ve felt that.”

But it’s not a conscious process—my writing, poetry especially, very often starts out as a literal observation, a bird or a tree or my own kitchen table, but as the words flow, so does the meaning. I almost never plan ahead as far as where a poem, or any piece of writing for that matter, will end up, I just allow the words to guide me to the conclusion.


How does my writing/creative process work?

It has become my habit, after four years of blogging, to write myself awake every morning. I get up early, usually 6:00 or 6:30, and head right to my computer (after I’ve made my first cup of tea). And the first thing I do (okay, after I’ve checked my email) is write, even on those days when my schedule is already overloaded.

I don’t think that’s a habit I would have arrived at had I not started blogging, and now that I am working on a larger piece of work, it’s a habit I am glad to have acquired. There are many mornings when I sit down and think “I have nothing to say,” but then I force myself to start typing and pretty much without fail, the words show up. Sometimes I have to wrestle with them for awhile to get them down on the page in their proper places, but it is always worth the effort.

Thanks, Kathryn, for inviting me to participate in this tour, and now it’s my turn to pass the torch to three other lovely ladies. I very much admire the writing of each one, and I think you will, too. And don’t forget to check out their blogs next Monday to hear their answers to these questions.

d smith kaich jones is an ex-Texas baby grown up to be a painter/artist-turned writer-turned storyteller/poet, using whatever tool is at hand to spin her stories. She is influenced by the imperfections of daily life, the overlooked small moments, forgotten secrets, the hints of people a place remembers.  She is currently working on a series of vignettes and stories called Continuations, and can be found online at

Graciel Evenstar is a floral designer, writer and photo enthusiast. Ashe is the creator of the original magazine, The Soul in Bloom. You can follow her offerings at instagram/thesoulinbloom,, and be sure to check out her gorgeous new magazine here:

Sarah Elwell is an author, photographer, and homeschooling mother, living at the wild edge of the world. Her latest book, Outside Where the Heart Lies, is a collection of stories and photographs and will be available in early June. You can visit her at Knitting the Wind and her photography site


It’s interesting that you refer to meditation because I just submitted an interview piece to someone that says it feels much like that too (not that I can meditate)! I’m always blown away by how much you are able to accomplish but seeing you write about all your different projects here solidifies just how amazing you are. Your writing and your art touches so many people, I hope you know that. Great learning more about your process. Kathryn x

i agree with kathryn – your ability to accomplish so much has always amazed me. a lot of creative energy flowing through your veins.

i like that you talk about writing yourself awake – not a morning person myself (not even close), i still find writing a few words when i do at last arise necessary. nothing like you, but still, an interesting comparison.

this is wonderful to read your words about how you do it, though i still think it’s magic. 🙂

So enjoyed reading your thoughts on your process. I love how you are able to accomplish so much and such a variety by honoring your morning writing practice and without it being stern or strict, more of a quiet, simple commitment. Wonderful!

Great answers, and how awesome to have 2 books in the works – I envy that feeling and am trying to find the way to writing more. Answered these questions on my blog too. 🙂


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