jewel tones

All the greens have turned to golds, and the world is burnished by autumn’s paintbrush. It’s kind of funny that fall is my favorite season, when red and orange are my least favorite colors. I love the cool tones, especially purple and blue.

But that doesn’t stop me from loving autumn, the trees changing color, pumpkins and apples, scrunchy dried up leaves beneath my feet when I walk.

When I was kid we used to rake the yard and pile all the leaves up just so we could jump into them and make a big mess again.

That sounds like so much fun, doesn’t it?

Autumn is the season when change seems most obvious. Nature’s big party of hurry up and sow your seeds and bloom your blooms and live it up before winter comes and forces you to slow down a little and rest.

Well, at least for the flowers in my garden, anyway.

This weekend I am going to go and breathe in the scent of autumn in the mountains. The trees should be at peak color, and I’m going to do a little slowing down and resting as well. And reading. Lots of reading.

And maybe, just maybe, I’m going to find a rake and some leaves, and well, we’ll see what happens…



I think I love fall so much because red is my favorite color. The fall colors were amazing when we lived in CT but seem quite muted here in VA. It’s still my favorite season though. Enjoy your time in the mountains.

Fall is my favorite also. As a child I lived in the city so there wasn’t much chance to jump into a large pile of leaves, when I moved to the country it was the first thing I did in the Fall, LOL I was in my 30’s but that did not stop me. So jump in!

Have such a great time in the mountains! I can’t wait to escape myself. But my weekend doesn’t start until Sunday night. Holding out!

Hope you’re enjoying your time away..and that the leaves are – indeed – turning to shades of autumn gold.


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