in which the calendar gets it wrong
For surely autumn is upon us, summer having already flown off to vacation elsewhere, and September came dressed as October.
I don’t mind so much, really, fall is my favorite time of year, though it feels a bit like time is moving too quickly. Then again, it always feels that way at this time of year.
But already, the field across the street has been laid bare, the nights are cold enough for closed windows and furnace heat, the first indoor fire has warmed my toes.
My monskhood has yet to bloom, buds have formed and we will see, some years it blooms in October, some, November, and some years, it never blooms at all.
These perennial sunflowers are thugs, big, bold, beautiful thugs, ruling with their unruliness. I keep cutting them down and they keep showing up in new places, another lesson from the garden on how little I control. I can’t blame this happy flower though, turning its face to the sun, reaching high into the sky, hoping to touch the soft wisp of autumn cloud.
I pulled weeds yesterday, crazy, overgrown, sometimes-taller-than-me weeds, restoring order to small sections of earth in a futile gesture of optimism. They always grow back, but perhaps that is the point. If I didn’t have to fight them, I may not have spent those hours outside, listening to birds and grasshoppers and the crazy crickets that are everywhere this year (even in my bedroom).
Summer. Autumn. Summer. Autumn.
No matter. I breathe it in.
And it’s good, all good, even the mess of it.
It smells of change.
god. you are good. big, bold, beautiful thugs. garden lessons. you should write a book, you know.
Posted by: d smith kaich jones | September 15th, 2014 10:58
I love those thug native plants…I still have not weeded all year so it will be daunting but great therapy as I prepare for change in the garden
Posted by: Donna@Gardens Eye View | September 15th, 2014 12:38
I love this. I especially so much love that photo, it is luscious.
Posted by: sarah | September 15th, 2014 17:56
I wish fall would visit us. (The heat index right now is 95 degrees, and climbing most likely). Around here we have to fake the season by turning up the AC and pretending it’s cooler. Lol! Fall would be my favorite season, too. It sounds beautiful, looks beautiful, and I’m sure feels beautiful.
By the way, that photo is really very pretty. Perfect!
Posted by: Kristin_Texas | September 16th, 2014 15:49
summer has caught a cold…and autumn is…well it glad.
Posted by: robin. | September 27th, 2014 21:16
fingers have caught a cold as well…it was to say “it’s glad”
Posted by: robin. | September 27th, 2014 21:17