heart o’ mine
On Saturday afternoon I took a break from all this work to go sit in my garden. My garden that is a complete disaster. Really, it is. Next spring I am going to have to dig up whole sections to get it back into shape.
I say this because every time I go out there to sit in my garden, this is what I think about. How many weeds there are, how much dead-heading needs doing, how much taming of the jungle lies before me, rather than just enjoying the moment.
So there I was, trying to take five minutes to relax, and all I can think about is my ever-pervasive to-do list.
I grabbed my camera and my notebook, thinking I could distract myself with a little writing and then take some pictures of whatever I might find to be picture worthy. (At this point, so much of it is not.) I haven’t been out to wander around and take pictures in a while. In truth, I haven’t done anything but work for a couple of weeks now. But I’m not complaining, I am grateful.
When I had wandered through all my flower beds and taken all the shots I could find, I sat back down in my blue plastic adirondack chair, which is where I love to sit in the afternoon, and turned my face to the sun. I titled my head back and breathed in… aaaah.
My garden might be an utter mess just now, but it is still my garden. The spot I was sitting in used to be driveway and lawn. I built it up and brought soil in and created a place filled with flowers and birds and buzzing bees. I love it out there.
The main seating area is pebbled, which has its pros and cons. I love the way it looks, but so many seeds manage to take root in it. (Although it has proved to be the best place to grow dill….it pops up everywhere!)
Right next to where I was sitting was a cleome volunteer that had sprouted up through the pebbles. Almost spent, mostly a sculpture of seed pod and faded blooms. But right at the very top, just under my nose, was this tiny, perfect heart. It’s probably an 1/8 of an inch high.
It took me a while to spot it, this little heart o’ mine. But it made me smile as I sat there, tired, neck aching, more hours of work before me.
My garden was sending me a little valentine, just exactly when I needed it.
How sweet is that?
you, dear one, are a magnet for hearts and flowers. large and small, they always surround your sweet and busy life. xo
Posted by: Graciel @ Evenstar Art | September 26th, 2011 10:28
What joy! To find the tiny heart right under your nose!! I love how you took the time to create such a beautiful garden and while they do require upkeep sometimes we need to remember to appreciate the weeds as well. I have pebbles in my front garden and I know what you mean about things cropping up — I’m always finding new flowers, not just weeds in there. But I still love the look!
Posted by: Sherry Smyth | September 26th, 2011 11:05
What a beautiful story – that change of perception makes all the difference
Posted by: Jamie S | September 26th, 2011 17:07
How wonderful to spot that heart. It’s good to take the time to enjoy what you have crafted and nurtured. Time for the work will come again soon enough.
Posted by: maureen @ Cottage 960 | September 26th, 2011 19:16
Exquisite! Beautiful photo enhanced by wonderful texture work.
Heidi M via texture tuesday
Posted by: Heidi M | September 28th, 2011 13:04
Lovely! Beautiful colors and use of texture!
Posted by: ShonEjai | September 28th, 2011 20:33
I love your story and the photo. So many times I’ve done exactly the same thing. Go out to look at the beauty and see only weeds and work. Now I’m not able to work in my garden. But I still go out – now I see only the beauty that is still growing without my work. ;o)
Posted by: Linda Deal | October 1st, 2011 10:32