I find myself feeling very quiet.
Last night I watched television while working on some jewelry, and the images of the devastation from Hurricane Sandy filled my eyes with tears. It seems that every day new areas of destruction come to light.
I live six hours away, and there are still people here without power. I cannot imagine how hard it must be for the people there that are working to get things back up and running. And for the people struggling to find food and clean water and all the other essentials that we take for granted in our day to day lives.
It all just breaks my heart wide open.
And it makes me appreciate every last thing that I have in my life.
I sit here, looking out at the same landscape I have stared at for years.
But today, my view is different.
I am humbled, I am grateful, I am silent.
and you are so caring & beautiful! Hang in there, keep the faith.
Posted by: Susan | November 2nd, 2012 10:21
I’ve found my view changed too.
Posted by: Kathryn Dyche Dechairo | November 2nd, 2012 10:55
Thank you again for my morning dose of perspective and humanity. Your writing always breaks my heart wide open in the best way and I am always humbled and full of gratitude for your talent and compassion.
Posted by: Anna Montgomery | November 2nd, 2012 11:16
I think a lot of us feel the same way. I’m glad for my son in the city – his power returned to his apartment today in the East Village. Still water in the subways, but he’s taking the bus and able to go back to work for the first time all week. Did you see the telethon tonight? It was good.
Posted by: K.Young | November 2nd, 2012 22:22