Up at sunrise to a morning filled with the kind of sun
almost too bright to be believable.
And yet, there it is, inviting me outside,
despite the meteorologist’s promise of rain.
I want to lie down on that bed of blue forget-me-nots
and forget about everything but sky.
I want to be a flower for a day, standing tall and beautiful
and blissfully ignorant of the distraction of tomorrow.
I want to bleed sunshine and color, promise and pretty,
scent and a complete lack of sensibility.
My pillow will be a cloud of non-conformity,
my blanket a crocheted spread of garrulous stars.
And my dreams will be fireflies,
lighting the way.
So beautiful . . . feel lifted by your words.
Posted by: Kathryn Dyche Dechairo | May 21st, 2014 12:33