sometimes you are…

So far, the month of June has been crazy-busy! And that is a good thing, being busy is the best way to stay out of trouble in my opinion.

And so, I put my head down and work, and put my head down and garden, and in between, I remind myself to breathe.

I am much farther behind in my garden than I anticipated, mainly because things are much worse out there than I thought. Mother Nature waits for no one when it comes to taking back her territory.

Work is keeping my very busy, and this makes me very happy. When you have a freelance business, work is good. Very good.

So, I am busy, but happy. Tired, but content. Sore (oh my aching back), but smiling.

I’ve always said I am a worker bee. Never the Queen.

Sometimes I wish I were, just for a day or two. But that’s not me.

And it’s not all bad, being a worker bee.

There are flowers, and honey.





the queen bee never sees the flowers. just sayin’. xoxo

you still are the Queen of worker bees 🙂

I so enjoy your writing style!


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