Last week I managed to not leave my house from Sunday to Thursday. It was wonderful and restorative and just what I needed to finally kick the cold that had been with me forever, just what I needed to really get into the holiday spirit, just what I needed to make me feel balanced and centered once again.
Of course, this was all made easier by the weather, there was lots of snow and then it got really, really cold – on one of those days it was nine degrees when I woke up. Much too cold for this time of year.
And then this past weekend all that snow melted away when it warmed up into the forties and there was rain and rain and more rain. It was grey outside, but glowing with golden Christmas light inside.
I went for a short walk and I found this tiny nest up in our maple tree. Still intact, despite the weather.
I joke a lot that I am a hermit, but really, deep down, I think I am. I am so happy when I can stay home, when I can nest. If I go too long without having this kind of time, I feel off.
Those five days last week were a gift.
And it wasn’t that I was relaxing, I wasn’t. I worked hard every day. But at the end of the day, all I had to do was light the fire, eat dinner, maybe write a little. I didn’t feel at all like I was being chased by a giant to-do list. Even though there is one on my desk, the holiday to-do list is always long and often overwhelming, but somehow, this year, I can look at it and smile a smile that says, “yes, I see you, and we are friends.”
Maybe I’m just in denial. But I’d like to think that perhaps it’s because I’ve learned a few things this year about stress and about life and about what’s really important.
My life has been much the same as the year before it, except for my blogs. Somewhere within these posts a shift took place, a shift towards appreciating and savoring and cherishing. Even tiny little moments like the one right now as I sit by the fire and the newly-decorated Christmas tree, all by myself, enjoying the peace and the quiet and the pretty white lights.
All tucked into my nest, safe and dry
and grateful, oh so grateful
to be here.
Lovely. I feel exactly the same way about my own very long to-do list. I have just as much to do as I do every year but somehow I’m not the least little bit worried about getting it all done. It either will or it won’t. Either way the earth will still rotate, the sun will still rise and I will be fine. I wish I had learned this lesson a long time ago…
Posted by: Andrea Maurer | December 13th, 2010 08:02
In our family we call it the “Social Disease”. Two of my three daughters and I both have it. We are so much happier at home than anywhere else. Not good when you are married to someone who is the COMPLETE opposite.
Posted by: Jo Nelson | December 13th, 2010 08:25
Oh, I hear ya! I’ve been nesting this December and it really has been just what the doctor ordered. For me, nesting means avoiding plans most weeknights…so that, just as you say, when day is done, I can just have some dinner, enjoy my Christmas tree (and my faux fire on the TV screen :)), and relax/write…it’s divine. I think maybe it’s just what we’re supposed to be doing at this time of year!
Posted by: Amanda | December 13th, 2010 08:55
I am so jealous. I too am a hermit and if i didn’t have to go out to work every day, I would never leave the house. People wonder, don’t you get bored. But we don’t, do we? We have plenty to occupy us.
Posted by: Roberta Warshaw | December 13th, 2010 09:14
you know how i feel about the word hope, but that’s what this image says to me. no, no, really, i think, it says more than just hope. because labor went into the building of that nest, a spot was chosen, obviously a secure spot – it speaks, in addition to hope, of knowing, of preparation, of the understanding that a time will come when this nest will be needed, when time will be spent there, quiet time, long hours. long hours necessary to give birth to something fragile and beautiful.
we have much to learn from the birds. the silence, the long hours, the just sitting and letting it happen, whatever it is. i am so glad these past days found you, restored your soul a bit, let you catch your breath. it’s always a part of the creative process we ignore, even while knowing it to be necessary.
i love this nest, love the image. a powerful reminder to me this morning.
Posted by: Debi | December 13th, 2010 09:21
It sounds like a great week.
Posted by: Frida | December 13th, 2010 09:26
It’s like we’re kindered spirits with the whole hermit thing . . . so glad you’ve been enjoying your time at home. :0)
Posted by: Kathryn | December 13th, 2010 11:40
It is a beautiful photo & yes, “what Debi said”.
And, no, I don’t think it’s denial. I work out of my home & though I still work a lot, it doesn’t feel as harried as the 17 previous years, doing the same work, same schedule, but in a commercial space…TOTALLY different.
Home’s the best! (would be antithetical to get some T-shirts made saying “hermits unite!”) `;-D
Posted by: Skye Daniels | December 13th, 2010 15:05
I love the nest and a word of advice if I may; stay in your nest as much as you want ok?
Posted by: Nana | December 13th, 2010 19:22
Such a lovely post! I’m moving into the hibernation phase and have been feeling slightly guilty for loving it so much. You’ve helped me realize it is okay to embrace it.
Posted by: Jamie S | December 13th, 2010 20:37
I’m a proud hermit too 🙂
Posted by: Irma P. | December 13th, 2010 21:11
I can really relate to your last paragraph. I’ve been at home for a few weeks on an enforced rest and that combined with the blogging has also given me a shift in focus and appreciation that i hadn’t realised i needed. Here’s to all us nesters with a promise to make 2011 feather lined.
Posted by: Twiggers | December 14th, 2010 08:34
I am a strange combo of hermit and traveler. I love to stay cozy at home, everything quiet and simple, but I also love to go places, do things, and I can get quite depressed or claustrophobic when I am unable to leave the house. This claustrophobia is worst during winter, but your words remind me how much I enjoy nesting, too. Your words are calming and restful.
Posted by: Amy | December 14th, 2010 15:38
i am green with envy of your nesting time! it IS such a gift! that photo? spectacular. xo
Posted by: Graciel @ Evenstar Art | December 14th, 2010 19:41
This is beautiful, Kelly. I read it over on HI and decided to come to your blog and leave a comment. The photo is incredible too!
I am pretty sure that I am a hermit as well. I love curling up in my own home for days, lighting the fire, working. reading, writing. I especially love the time to plan and cook.
One thing I have learned in life, and it was so wonderful when it finally occurred to me: nesting, being a hermit, at least for me, happens naturally when I am exactly where I am supposed to be. My heart is in my home, and happiness is in my heart. I could nest all winter long…
Posted by: Tracy | December 15th, 2010 07:57
“I joke a lot that I am a hermit, but really, deep down, I think I am. I am so happy when I can stay home, when I can nest. If I go too long without having this kind of time, I feel off.”
oh i can so appreciate that!!! and love how you’ve articulated the feeling. i loved our life up on kilimanjaro where i could nest and hide away, not because something was wrong, but because i just could. don’t have that quite so much now, have lovely friends around…but miss my somewhat more hermit life!!
Posted by: eliza | December 17th, 2010 01:12