shadow dance

It’s that time again.

Out with the old and in with the new.

Isn’t it funny how we define our lives in these parcels of time called years, as if January 1st is so very different from December 31st?

I suppose we like beginnings, fresh starts, the illusion, at least, that we can start again. We like to wrap the old year up in a neat little package and store it away in that closet called the past.

And then we set this new box before us called the future.

We peek in, hoping that we will see a new reflection in the mirror that lies at the bottom of this box, just beneath all the tissue paper and glitter.
But what we see is our same self, just one day older.

This past year was a crazy one, hectic and busy and filled
with a whole lot of wonderful living. Good living. In the moment living.
I did a better job at that than I ever have before.
And I hope to keep that up as this next year passes.

It was also a stressful year, I had a lot on my plate, too much a great deal of the time. All self-driven, mostly creative pursuits. I don’t feel bad about that. But I was slightly off-kilter for a good part of the year,
running to catch up with the rest of my life.

Recently, someone asked me if I was going to choose a word for 2011.

And at first I said no, I’m not big on making resolutions,
I like to let things unfold as they will.

But then a word just sidled up and whispered itself to me.

And so, I chose a word. Or rather, it chose me.


It’s a good word. And it’s not a resolution. It’s a word.
And to me that means that it’s not something I have to spend
all my time striving for, only to feel frustrated when and if I fail.

Instead, it is a word to inhale, slowly, holding my breath
for just a tiny bit longer every day.

A word that knows that the good will come with the bad,
the calm will follow the storm,
and the symphony will end with silence.

I think that’s a word I can live with.


Did you choose a word? Did a word choose you?

Happy New Year to you!


What a lovely post Kelly! And I love this word for the new year thing that I have been seeing on blogs. Balance is a very good word. And your photography is absolutely stunning! Your doing such a great job! Wishing you love, peace, success… and balance in the New Year!

xoxo Valerie

That’s a good word! Are you Taking part in the Sacred Curiosity choose a word give away??
My word is Darumjeito… 😀

january 31. the end. we need stories to end, don’t we? the story of 2010 is almost there, and yes, we hope (!) 2011 will be better, or different. but really, the years are just chapter ending, not story endings, i suppose. we continue on.


Funny how words choose us. Mine is ‘grow’..but more about that later..:-)

Kelly, Thank you for all the heartfelt words and photographs that you have shared here and over at the inspiration studio. I wish you a Happy New Year and look forward to all that 2011 will bring. I have a word or the word has found me and it is Change. This coming year our youngest graduates high school and will be off to college. Next phase; empty nester. Wow, raising a family phase went by so fast.

I love the word you chose . . . my word for 2011 is soar. This year I felt like I learnt to fly so I want to be able to soar gracefully. Happy New Year.

you have chosen well and it will be a special year I just know it. Just between you and me..I have a hard time with choosing a word… to much pressure i guess.. your post spoke to me in that are a special lady and i wish you and yours a great by day

A wonderful word!!! I love it.
Have a happy new year, Kelly – and well balanced.

OMG….that’s this coming Wednesday’s word! It’s been on my mind for a couple of weeks. Maybe that’s my word, too, and I didn’t even know it! I have no idea what I’ll do for an image, but for some reason I just had to make it the first word of the year. I guess, you’ll have to join in this week! 🙂

What a perfect way to describe how we all feel about the end of one year and the beginning of another. That is *exactly* it, for me at least. I’m not big on resolutions either, nor can I choose a word for a year–I like to let things unfold also. I would never have chosen ‘listen’ for my 2010 word, but that is what 2010 was, and it was amazing. I like that your word chose you, and that you are not treating it like a resolution. That is the best way. Me, I will wait and see. =)

A perfect choice!

This is the first year I’ve chosen a word and I’m excited about it – rather than dreading the list of resolutions I’ll never keep anyway.


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